
Sleep on it - let your subconscious do the work

Sleep on it - let your subconscious do the work

June, 2021

You’ve likely experienced the feeling of suddenly having the answer to your problem while you were not thinking about it; maybe in the shower, on a run, or on the bus.

A mind that is working all the time is not performing at it’s highest level. Like a sprinter that needs long periods of rest to absorb the training, our mind needs rest to absorb the questions.

The insights we get in the shower may not happen that often. But we can train this ability. By feeding your mind an important problem, and then releasing it completely over night, you will be able to extract the insights your subconscious has been working on over night the next morning.

Our subconscoius mind is much better at making connections than our conscoius mind. So let’s make it do all the heavy lifting.

So today, ask yourself: “What is the most important question I need to answer?”. Write it down. Then step away from it, go for a walk, take workout, have a glass of wine, let it absorb into your subconsious. Go to sleep without thinking about it.

Then tomorrow morning, pull out a pen and paper, and extract the insights that your subsconscious have been working on. You may find something you haven’t thought about.

Resources The Most Important Question is a concept that comes from Josh Waitzkin, former chess championg and tai chi push hands champion. Here’s a more in depth explanation of the concept: The most important question