
How to learn more, find more options and non-suckers.

How to learn more, find more options and non-suckers.

August, 2021

1 Practical Tip

To learn better, study with great focus and intensity for a little while (30 min to 1.5 hours), then take a nap, or do yoga nidra or something that puts you in a half-wake state. Research shows that you can learn up to 50% better, and you will retain the knowledge longer.

See links at the bottom.

1 Interesting Idea

Always look for the third option. When you have one option you don’t have a choice. When you have two options you have a dilemma. When you have three or more options you can make a deliberate choice.

1 Question for your Coffee Break

Who’s it for?

When you are making something, do you really know who you are making it for?

1 Random Point

“Suckers try to win arguments, nonsuckers try to win”

-Nassim Taleb, Anitifragile, p. 390

References to point 1:

Andrew Huberman on the Tim Ferriss Podcast. https://www.cell.com/cell-reports/fulltext/S2211-1247(20)30530-1 Random interesting article that I found researching this point:  https://shamay.com/ultradian-rhythms/